
AWD Flag Celebration Cerimony

Tomorrow is the day when all of us in the AWD recognize our own greatness with the annual Grand Flag of AWD Celebration Cerimony. During the cerimony, we will pay homage to all those lost in battle, followed by a potluck lunch. However, this year, if you do bring something it MUST be concealed and contained in the official AWDSCDSD (Association for World Domination Snack Conceilment and Decontaminating Serving Device) in order to stop any threat of poisoning by traitors. Fail to do so, and you will be forced to report to your local Execution Officer.

---NEW THIS YEAR: Disembowelment Chamber!---

As always, family is invited. All family members must remain in the AWDFICC (Association for World Domination Family Interrogation and Captivity Chamber). IT IS FOR THEIR OWN GOOD!

And last but not least, all AWDFCC (Association for World Domination Flag Celebration Cerimony) events will NOT be taking place this year due to the ever growing threat of treason.

Call or email your section supervisor for more details.

1 comment:

Colin said...

okay great, see you there